Saturday, March 24, 2018

Good Friday 2018 | SMS, Messages, Quotes, Wishes, Images

Good Friday 2018 | SMS, Messages, Quotes, Wishes, Images:

Good Friday to be Celebrated on 30 March, 2018 in UK, USA, & Canada. Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Lord Jesus. Read the Best Good Friday 2018 Quotes and Sayings. Download Best Holy Friday 2018 Images and Wallpapers. Share the Top Holy Good Friday 2018 SMS and Messages from here. Good Friday can't be celebrated without sending Nice Good Friday Wishes to our friends and family and love once.

Good Friday 2018 | SMS, Messages, Quotes, Wishes, Images

  1. I'm the witness of his fearless death. I'm token of his last promise forgiveness. I'm the cross blessings on Good Friday.
  2. Jesus drew the sinful expectations of the world unto himself. Absorbed them and bore them on the cross. His death was the death of sin itself. Let's pray to him and make our faith strong Have a Blessed Good Friday.
  3. But the God demonstrate his own Love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5:8- That is why Good Friday is referred as Good to us.
  4. It was my sin that nailed him there.
  5. May the glory of our Savior strengthen you, and May His Grace Shine upon you on Good Friday and always.
  6. By His Wounds we are healed.
  7. By this we know LOVE, He laid down His Life for us.
  8. Even the darkest night will end and sun will rise.
  9. Good Friday, remembering His great sacrifice.
  10. His body was BROKEN for you.