How to Celebrate Good Friday?
If you're Christian, and you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Eternal Son of God, and that He died for all your sins, than for you, Good Friday is the most sorrowful, the most solemn, and yet, the holiest days of whole year. In fact it is not a day of celebration, it is a day of observing.
1. Visit you local Church: There is no mass on Good Friday, however there is usually a service with Holy Communion. In addition to Holy Mass, many Churches may also have the stations of the cross, which may like to attend..
2. Some Christian communities (catholic and others) hold passion plays, which you may like yo attend, or perhaps, you may like to participate, or organize.
3. Alternatively some people fast of Good Friday. Some people refrain from food at all and some people eat very lightly.
4. At 3:0PM, if you don't go to Mass, stop what are you doing, and pray, if possible.
5. Throughout the day, reflect on the death of Jesus. it is the whole idea of Good Friday.